Translation Options

Translation Option via Browser Translator

You can easily use the translation capabilities of your browser to translate AMBOSS content into your preferred language automatically.

How to use the Browser Translation:

  1. Open your Google Chrome or Safari Browser.
  2. Open AMBOSS

For Chrome: 

  1. Open the menu (three dots on top right) and select translate
  2. Select / Add your preferred language

For Safari: 

  1. Click the "Translate"-Button in the smart search field
  2. Select your preferred language


How do I submit feedback?

You are welcome to submit feedback about the automated translation by clicking the “Feedback”-Button at the top right of any article section and selecting the feedback category “Automated Translation”.

Screenshot 2024-09-03 at 14.32.36.png


I'm experiencing technical issues with translation. How can I get support?

We’re sorry to hear that! Please feel free to contact AMBOSS Support and we'd be happy to help.

AMBOSS, powered by automated translation, is the go-to medical platform that allows you to obtain all our medical content in your language with just one click.


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