Editing New Assignments

In the Create Assignment section, Educators and Admins can Preview the assignment in Study Mode, or create and edit the assignment via the Edit Assignment page by selecting Continue.

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If the assignment status is Draft, you can do the following: 

  • Change the assignment title;
  • Assign the assignment to learners and dates via the “Learners, date and time” section;
  • Determine whether the assignment will be assigned in Study or Exam Mode via in the “Assignment format” section;
  • Preview the question session from the learner’s perspective;
  • View the original filter tags, question count, and associated learning objectives;
  • Refine questions in an overlaying modal based on learning objectives (broken down into systems and individual topics). This functionality includes:
    • A search box to quickly find relevant topics
    • Adding or reducing from the originally selected questions.
    • In a split-screen- educators are able to view individual questions, their associated media, correct/incorrect options, and explanations with attending tip.

Assignment Format Section- selection of Study Mode vs Exam Mode

Study mode is the preferred format for formative assessment purposes, general study, and low-pressure quizzes.

  • No timer or passing score requirements;
  • No limitations to pausing or reviewing results/analysis/session;
  • Includes Qbank teaching features such as key info, attending tip, sharing, Anki card, etc.;

Exam Mode adds several selections that reflect a formal exam-like experience, e.g., for graded, summative assessments

  • Passing score (with up to 5 possible attempts);
  • Time limit- The default is currently 120 seconds per question. This resembles ABIM exam times, but please note that other exams may differ (for example, the time limit for Pediatrics and Family Medicine is actually 90 seconds per Question). This number can be manually changed to a minimum of 60 seconds;
    • It’s possible to disable pausing for a controlled timed test experience:
      • Learners will get a warning when starting such assignments that they cant stop the clock. If they exit, they get a warning. They can exit and re-enter, but the time will continue. They’re able to re-enter up to the 1 minute mark;
  • Review access can be adjusted to "Not reviewable" or "Reviewable from" a specific date and time. The analysis and complete questions will not be accessible until the specified time (this is to prevent learners who completed an exam from sharing the results with other learners who have not yet taken the exam).

Learners, date and time section allows you to adapt assigning details in the modal that appears:

  • Assign to groups: Educators can select one or multiple groups based on all groups available at their institution;
  • Assign to learners: Educators can select one or multiple learners based on all learners that are members of groups they are a member of. Learners who are already selected via a group are still included in the list of learners and can be assigned in this dropdown in addition to the group dropdown; they will, however, only be assigned a given assignment once. If the user has a Member name, this name will be shown; if not, the institutionally known email address will appear on the list.
    • Assignments assigned to a group are always assigned to the current members of a group, meaning that if a user gets added they’ll get the assignment as well. If a user gets removed from that group, they’ll also get removed from the assignments of this group.
    • In this dropdown, the cohorts appear after the learner's name. All fields are searchable, including the cohort making it easier to select learner's by cohort. (NOTE: If the cohort text overlaps with a user’s name or email, this will also appear as a potential result to select).
    • You may also use the "Select all" button to select all learners in the Group. 
  • Assign to educators/admins: Assignments are only sent to learners; anyone with an educator or admin role is not assigned an assignment even if they are part of the group that the assignment is assigned to;
    • Instead, they will be able to view the assignment in their “Educator assignments” overview. 
  • Starts on: the start date and time of the assignment; by default the start date is set to Next day at noon, but can be changed to any past or future date (depending on assignment status). The time zone shown is based on the assigner’s locale;
  • Ends on: optional end date and time of the assignment; can be left blank. If an end date is set, Learners who have not completed the assignment one day before the end date will receive an automatic reminder via email one day before the assignment is due.

Educators can also:

  • Cancel the assigning process (takes you back to the Assignment creation page with the assignment in Draft status);
  • Assign the assignment with the given setting.
  • Copy the assignment link to share via their own communication tools. 

When a new assignment is assigned to Learners and becomes available, those Learners will be notified via email informing them of the new assignment with a link to the assignment overview page.

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