Question difficulty

Each question in the Qbank has a difficulty level which is automatically determined by how often it is answered correctly or incorrectly in AMBOSS. All questions are then sorted by difficulty. Here are our rankings for our difficulties:

mceclip0.png  Very easy. The easiest 20% of all questions.

mceclip2.png Easy. More difficult than the bottom 20% but easier than the upper 50% of all questions.

mceclip3.png Intermediate. More difficult than the lower 50% but easier than the upper 20% of all questions.

mceclip4.png Difficult. More difficult than the lower 80% of questions but easier than the top 5%.

mceclip5.png Very difficult. The most difficult 5% of all questions.

You can view the difficulty level of a question either when working in Study mode or while reviewing your question sessions. We have depicted difficulty levels with a hammer icon. One hammer represents a very easy question, and five hammers a very difficult one.

Because the difficulty is defined by you and your peers, when reviewing questions, the difficulty is an indicator of how other AMBOSS users are performing. This is also what our physicians are looking into when reviewing our content.

If you'd like to create a question session with certain difficulty levels, you can use that filter in our Custom Session creation:

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