Exam Time Accommodations

If you receive time accommodations for the USMLE exams, it is possible to extend the time of your Qbank sessions in Exam mode accordingly.

To access this feature, go to the Account & Settings > Career & Study Profile section on the desktop version of the platform.

Under Disability-related time accommodation, you will be able to select your additional time under the Extended Testing Time drop-down:

It is possible to extend for 25%, 50%, and 100% additional time. After selecting your time, click Save changes.  

The additional time will be automatically added to each block of a Qbank session in Exam mode, regardless of the number of questions in your session. This applies to the Exam mode in Study Plans, Custom Sessions, and Self-Assessments.

Please feel free to contact AMBOSS Support or leave us a message here if you have any questions about this feature.

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