Platform overview

To start navigating the AMBOSS platform, open the sidebar menu by clicking the three lines on the top-left corner of AMBOSS.

Depending on whether you have set the AMBOSS platform to Clinician Mode or Student Mode, your AMBOSS sidebar will be arranged differently. You can update your platform mode via the dropdown in the top left of the AMBOSS platform.

Student Mode


To access our Articles and Videos, click on Library.

Find the Articles you'd like to start by navigating through the categorization you prefer to follow, for example, By System:

Inside articles, you can use our features at the top of the page to organize your study. For example, you can use the High-Yield function if your exam is approaching, or toggle the Key Exam Info feature to activate the highlighting our physicians have done for our content based on your Study Objective. This feature will also underline in red anything you need to revise based on previous Qbank sessions (only available if you have completed questions on the topic). You can choose to read the article in Standard (original, unmodified version) or Clinician (more clinically relevant), or with your own personal highlights applied by clicking the highlighter icon. Marking the article as Learned will help you keep track of your progress as you work through the Library. You can start a Qbank Session with the questions relevant to this topic right from the article by clicking on Qbank Session just below the title. More on the various Library features here.



You can start covering the material of your study objective through the Study Plans or by creating a Custom Session by clicking on the Qbank

Our Study Plans are divided into pre-made blocks of questions based on subcategories for each USMLE Step and NBME Shelf exam. You'll be able to find all Study plans here:

You can also create your own custom study plans directly in the Study Plans section. Just click 'Create study plan':

Choose your study objective, your target end date for your studies, what days a week you are planning to study, how many hours per day you want to dedicate to the study plan, and you're all set! Our platform will prepare everything for you to be able to cover all the necessary content, adjusting the plan to your preferred schedule.


To create individual Question Sessions, you can visit the Qbank and use our many filters to create random blocks of questions based on your own Study Objective, the Difficulty level, the Topics, or their Status. To explore those filters, click here:


Analysis & Score Prediction

You’ll be able to see your progress and study recommendations in the Analysis and score prediction section, as well as use our USMLE Score Predictor feature, all of which will help you determine which areas you need to focus on and how you’re performing compared to other AMBOSS users. Here you can choose between Study Summary, Session Analysis, or Score Predictor.

Choosing Study Summary will provide you with an overview of your total progress on the platform based on your Current Study Objective and give you recommendations on areas of study you should focus on. You will be able to create new Qbank sessions or head to articles in our Library directly from this screen. 

Session Analysis breaks down each of your recent Qbank sessions individually, providing recommendations based on each specific session. Here, you can also see an overview of the questions answered in a specific session. 

Our USMLE Score Predictor is a tool that predicts your exam score for USMLE® Step 1, USMLE® Step 2-CK, and USMLE® Step 3 by analyzing your past practice exam results. Learn more about this feature here

Clinician Mode


Here you will find our Clinical Drug Database, which is the clinical drug information database by AHFS (American Hospital Formulary Service), including some additional information provided by our Physician editors.


Clinical Resources

Our main Clinician Mode features are listed in this section of the sidebar menu. 
We have Management Checklists so you don't miss important steps when managing a patient. Flowcharts provide a clear structure to help you make the right decisions. Our Calculators allow you to find important clinical scores. In the Clinical Guidelines section, you will find external links to papers and official documentation on a variety of topics. 

Exams & CME

If you are working towards an exam or just want to revise a particular topic, you can start covering the material of your study objective through the Study Plans or by creating a Custom Session by clicking on the Qbank. You can check out this article if you're uncertain about which method to choose. The options are located in the Exams & CME section of the sidebar menu.

Here, you will also be able to review previous Qbank sessions and your overall progress in the Study Summary and Session Analysis sections and set up your profile to receive CME credits for eligible searches. You can read more about redeeming CME Credits in this article.


To access our Articles and Videos, click on Library.

Find the Articles you'd like to start studying by choosing the categorization you prefer to follow, for example, Basic Sciences > By System:

Within an article, you'll be able to toggle on or off your personal highlighting, expand or collapse all sections, and adjust the text size as desired. 

Marking the article as Learned will help you keep track of your progress as you work through the Library. You can start a Qbank Session with the questions relevant to this topic right from the article by clicking on Qbank Session just below the title. You can learn more about all of these features here.

Please note the High-Yield, Key Exam Info, and Learning Radar features will not appear when Clinician Mode is toggled on and are only available in Student Mode. 

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