Deleting your AMBOSS account and profile

If your account is deleted, all your data will be permanently erased. You’ll only be charged for AMBOSS when you actively purchase access, and you can simply let your free trial or current access expire. 

Important: If you delete your account without canceling your subscription, you will still be subscribed to AMBOSS! Be sure to verify your standing by going to Account & Settings > Membership & Licenses.

If you’d still like to delete your account, follow these steps:

  1. Select Account & Settings > Notes & More from the sidebar menu of the platform.
  2. Navigate to the Network and Other Settings tab.
  3. At the bottom left corner of the page, click the link: Delete account?

This will take you to the agreement stating that your data will be permanently deleted along with your account.

Please note that account deletion is not reversible and will occur immediately after you click permanently DELETE.

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