Learner Capabilities

For a Learner whose account is connected to an institution, a sidebar menu element is added to the AMBOSS web platform: Assignments.
Selecting Assignments from the sidebar menu of the platform takes learners to the assignment overview page. This page displays all assignments that have been assigned by an institution to the Learner as individual cards. It is searchable by assignment keyword via the search bar on the top right corner. 
Screenshot 2024-12-05 at 7.52.36 AM.png

Assignments appear in the following order: 

  • Active, incomplete assignments starting with the closest end date and progressing to the furthest end date
  • Active, incomplete assignments without end date sorted from newest to oldest
  • Active, completed assignments sorted from newest to oldest
  • Closed assignments sorted by end date starting with the closest end date and progressing to the furthest end date

Each assignment card includes the assignment title, the number of questions in the assignment, the mode (exam or study mode), information regarding the availability, a progress bar, and a call to action.

  • Availability:
    • Coming soon: assignment has been assigned to start at a future time;
    • Due date: assignment with a due date and time;
    • Closed date: assignment has an end date that lies in the past;
    • No date: assignment is active and does not have an end date.
  • Call to action;
    • Start: assignment has not been started yet and is still available;
    • Continue: assignment has been started and is still available;
    • Review: assignment has been completed or is already closed;
    • Analysis: go to the analytics of an assignment after completion or closed.
      • If selected in exam mode,  it also shows the time limit, expected passing score, allowed attempts, and whether passed or failed with the % correct.

When a user clicks on an assignment notification/reminder email for an assignment that is already closed, the link will take them to an AMBOSS page stating “ this page cannot be found.”

Qbank App

Assignments set up in study mode will also be available to Learners on mobile via the Qbank app, though only once the assignment has been previously opened on web. 
They will appear as a regular Qbank session with the session title = assignment title, for as long as the assignment is active. Assignments that have been downloaded on the Qbank app can be completed even after an assignment has closed.
Assignments set up in exam mode will not be available on the Qbank app, meaning they can only be completed on the web (including web-on-mobile).


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