Educator Feature: Managing Groups

On the Educator Tool > Institution Groups page, Admins see an overview of all groups that exist at their institution. Educators, in turn, see an overview of all groups they are members of. From here, Admins and Educators can edit existing groups and create new groups.

Creating Groups

Clicking the Create Group button on the Institution group overview page takes Admins/Educators to the Create group view.
Screenshot 2024-12-20 at 8.36.11 AM.png
In this view, the Group name can be edited and Group members can be added. Upon adding Learners, they will appear as a row on the searchable paginated table, which shows the Member name, Email, and Institution status (active or pending). Each table row also has a menu (accessible via three vertical lines), which allows you to remove members from the group. The list of group members can be downloaded.
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Editing Groups

Clicking the Edit action button via the three vertical dots on the right side of each group takes Admins/Educators to the Edit group view. In this view, the Group name can be changed and the Group members can be managed. All of the same functionalities as listed above in the Creating Groups section are available in this section of the platform. 

Adding Learners to a Group

Clicking on Add Learner within the Edit or Create Group view opens a modal in which one or multiple Learners’ email addresses can be added, separated by a comma or space.
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Note: These should be the email addresses that the admin/educator wants to use to contact their members (i.e., institution email addresses).

Admins/Educators can click on Add to add learners to the group draft, which will then take them back to the Edit group view. Invalid email addresses will be flagged to them with a validation error message. 

To save the changes to the group, Admins/Educators click on Save group (if editing an existing group) or Create group if creating a new group. Changes will not be saved if you exit the page without clicking on Save group/Create group.

Admins can also add Learners and Educators to new groups via bulk CSV upload. Only learners and educators can be added this way.
To do so for a new group, first download the template to get a blank CSV file:

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CSV Preparation

- Format: CSV file with exactly 4 columns and a header row as in the template: Email, Name, Role (learner or manager), Cohort
- Required Fields: Email, Role
- Optional Fields: Name, Cohort (recommended)Screenshot 2024-12-20 at 8.47.55 AM.png

If you'd like to add users to a new group from an existing group, you can download a CSV from the existing group which will contain all members.Screenshot 2024-12-20 at 8.56.00 AM.png


Uploading Users

  1. Upload the prepared CSV file by selecting Import CSV.
  2. If all entries are valid, users will be added to the group.
  3. If some users fail to upload a yellow warning message will appear with a download link for the error file.
    • If this occurs, correct the errors and re-upload the file or add users manually.

User Notification

When a new Learner is added to the group, they are notified:

  1. Learners who have not already been added to the institutional license will be invited via email to connect an account to the institution and join the group;
  2. Learners who have already been added to the institutional license will be informed via email that they have been added to a new group. The email includes a call to action to the Learner’s Assignment overview page, where Learners can see all available assignments. 

Note: Learners are notified when a group is created and when new assignments are assigned; they will not be notified of assignments created for their group in the past.
For any newly created groups, the Educator who creates the group is automatically added to the group.

Removing Learners from a Group

Clicking on the hamburger menu within the Edit group view and then selecting Remove will delete the Learner’s row from the Group member list. To save the changes to the group, Admins/Educators click on Save group. 
Removing Learners from a group eliminates their ability to access the assignments of this group in the Assignment overview page. Any assignments that have been started by Learners that are removed from the group will remain available to the Learner as a question session, but the session will be disconnected from the assignment and the Learner’s activities on the session will not be shown under Data & Analytics. 
Note: Educators cannot remove other Educators or themselves from a group; only Admins can remove Educators.

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