Study Summary

You can access an overall summary of your progress on AMBOSS in the left-side menu. Depending on whether you have set the AMBOSS platform to Clinician Mode or Student Mode, you will find this feature under a different section of the menu. You can update your platform mode via the dropdown in the top left of the AMBOSS platform.

Student Mode

You can access all your performance information by going to the left-side menu of the platform and selecting Analysis and score prediction > Study Summary.

In this section, you can check the number of completed questions for your Study Objective, along with a summary of your performance and time spent answering questions. 
Screenshot 2023-12-01 at 10.37.58 AM.pngYou will also find two charts under the section titled "Study Objective" that can help you track your progress and compare your results over time. These charts include the percentage of questions you have answered correctly (and with help) and details on your answered questions for your current Study Objective.


The Latest Answer tab only includes the percentage of correct answers from your latest attempt on each individual question, while the Overall tab takes into consideration all your answers for your Study Objective, including questions answered multiple times.

You can also access Study Recommendations in this section of the platform, as well as our Peer Group Comparison feature.  


Clinician Mode

You can access all your performance information by going to the left-side menu of the platform and selecting Exams & CME > Study Summary.

In this section, you can check the number of completed questions for your Study Objective, along with a summary of your performance and time spent answering questions. 
Screenshot 2023-12-01 at 10.37.58 AM.pngYou will also find two charts under the section titled "Study Objective" that can help you track your progress and compare your results over time. These charts include the percentage of questions you have answered correctly (and with help) and details on your answered questions for your current Study Objective.


The Latest Answer tab only includes the percentage of correct answers from your latest attempt on each individual question, while the Overall tab takes into consideration all your answers for your Study Objective, including questions answered multiple times.

You can also access Study Recommendations in this section of the platform as well as our Peer Group Comparison feature.

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