Resetting your Statistics

Deleting your Qbank sessions

You can delete your individual Qbank sessions at any time by following these steps:

  1. Go to Qbank > Session History from the left-side navigation if in Student Mode. If in Clinician Mode, you can head to Exams & CME > Qbank Overview 
  2. Click the three dots next to the session you wish to delete and select Delete         

Deleting sessions in this way will not affect the questions' status as Answered or Not yet Answered. It is not possible to reset or exclude individual sessions from your overall statistics.

Resetting your statistics & Study Recommendations
While resetting your statistics may make sense in some cases, we believe that altering them can take away from your learning experience. 
This is because the statistics calculator would recognize previously answered questions as having never been answered. Your personal study recommendations would therefore become increasingly inaccurate and less helpful to you.
The Overall Statistics diagram for all multiple-choice sessions includes every question as often as you have answered it.   
If you really do need to reset your statistics, you can find the option by heading to Account & Settings > Notes & more in the sidebar menu of the platform. 

Once on that page, select the Network & Other Settings tab, scroll to the bottom of the page, and select the hyperlink next to Reset statistics.

AMBOSS_ResetStatistics.pngPlease read the warnings fully before committing to resetting your statistics, as this process cannot be undone.

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