How are credits calculated?

For Internet Point of Care: You will receive 0.5 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ for each clinical question you research on the AMBOSS platform.

For NEJM Board Review Questions: You will receive 1  AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ for every 6 board review questions answered correctly for the first time. On your PDF certificate, the following rounding system is used to represent the amount of credit earned in each category: 1 correct answer is equivalent to 0 credits, 2 correct answers are equivalent to 0.25 credits, 3 or 4 correct answers are equivalent to 0.5 credits, and 5 correct answers are equivalent to 0.75 credits.

How long do I have to claim credits that I have earned? 

You may claim credits for up to 2 years from the end of the year in which you earned the credit. For example, if you earned credit in September 2024, you have until December 31, 2026 to claim that credit.

How do I submit my CME credit to my specialty board for MOC, and/or to my state licensing board?

Step 1: Update your CME profile by selecting the board(s) you belong to from the drop-down menu. 

Step 2: Claim credits by following the instructions under “Redeeming credit” for the relevant activity:

When you claim credits, those credits will be automatically submitted to the correct board. (Note that it takes about a day for the board’s records to be updated.) You do not need to manually submit any transcripts or certificates to the board.

My specialty or state board is not in the drop-down list. What should I do?

The boards listed are the ones that collaborate with ACCME for “direct credit reporting.” If you belong to a board not listed in the drop-down, it does not participate in direct credit reporting, and you will need to download your PDF credit certificate and provide that to your organization.

What do the tags next to my redeemed credits mean?

  • The tag “Not submitted”  indicates that no board was selected in your profile at the time your credits were claimed.
  • The tag “Submitted” indicates that one or more boards was selected in your profile at the time your credits were claimed, and the credits were successfully submitted to the board(s).
  • The tag “Rejected” indicates that one or more boards was selected in your profile at the time your credits were claimed, but the credits were NOT successfully submitted to the board(s). Please email for help.

Why are credits with the tag “Submitted” not appearing on my board’s website?

The process of submission takes about a day, so the credits will not be reflected on your board’s website immediately. If it has been 24 hours since submission, and the credits are still not reflected, please email for help so we can confirm whether the problem is on our end or whether you need to contact your board directly.

How many CME/MOC points total have I earned through AMBOSS?

The number of total CME credits you have earned for each AMBOSS CME activity is displayed at the top of each activity page within the CME credit tool. 

CME credit entries which display the “Submitted” tag were successfully submitted for MOC. We do not currently display the total number of MOC points earned.

Can AMBOSS award CME credit to physicians based outside the United States?

We are accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME), which is a US-based organization. This accreditation allows us to award AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ to any physician who completes one of our Internet Searching and Learning (or Internet Point of Care) CME activities or who answers 6 questions correctly from our NEJM Knowledge+ Board Review Qbank, regardless of the physician’s location or nationality. US physicians can use these credits to fulfill some (or even all) of their CME requirements with US medical licensing boards or specialty boards. However, non-US physicians will need to check with the board in their country to determine if these credits would fulfill their requirements.

What are some examples of countries where non-US physicians could use CME credit earned through AMBOSS to fulfill their CME requirements?

In Canada, CME credit earned through any Internet Searching and Learning (Internet Point of Care) activity would fulfill the requirements for “Section 2 Self Learning Credit” for the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.
In Europe, many countries will allow a 1:1 conversion between AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ and European CME credit (called “ECMEC”).

Can other clinicians (e.g., physician assistants, nurse practitioners) receive CME credit from AMBOSS?

AMBOSS is accredited by the ACCME (Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education) to award AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™. AMA (American Medical Association) guidelines state that CME providers may directly award credit to physicians, and may provide a document certifying participation in the accredited activity to individuals in other clinical roles. Depending on the clinical role you select in your AMBOSS CME profile, the appropriate PDF certificate will be generated. Users should contact their professional board to determine whether the certificate can be accepted to fulfill their individual continuing education requirements.

Can I earn additional CME credits for Knowledge+ board review questions by doing questions a second time?

CME credit can only be earned for questions the first time they are answered correctly. You won’t be able to earn additional credit by repeating questions you have previously answered correctly.

Where should I go with questions about the CME program?

If the question cannot be answered by our help center documents, please email us at


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