How can I become an AMBOSS member?

You can register your AMBOSS account for free without obligation by clicking here. The 5-day free trial will give you basic AMBOSS access which includes unlimited Library and 50 questions. At AMBOSS, we have 2700+ questions for Step 1, 3200+ questions for Step 2 CK, 3600+ questions for your Shelf exams, as well as thousands of Board Review questions and COMLEX and COMAT questions so there is plenty to explore!

To continue using AMBOSS after your free trial, you can purchase one of our memberships. An AMBOSS membership includes unlimited access to our comprehensive medical library and 50 questions per month and is available in a monthly or yearly term. If you would like to upgrade to unlimited questions per month, you can simply purchase an upgrade on top of your existing membership. You can upgrade at any time for the length of time that you choose!

Once you are a member, your membership will automatically renew, but you can cancel, upgrade, or change your membership at any time. Please note that unlimited Qbank add-ons will not automatically renew, and you will only be charged once for the add-on you select. 

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