Filtering questions
Using our integration through the Browse window, you can filter what type of questions to include in your next Qbank session from a selection of Anki cards/notes.
Use the selector to select the count of questions to include in your next session, the difficulty levels, the status of the questions (not yet answered, answered correctly using hints, answered correctly or answered incorrectly).
Note: this function is only available for Qbank sessions started from the “Start Qbank session” button on the Browse window, and the questions would be based on the topics found in the selection of Anki cards.
Selecting card maturity
It is not possible to directly select a different level of maturity in order for them to be considered for the Qbank widget, but you can use the Browse window to select cards that have a different level of maturity.
For example, if you want to review AMBOSS questions for Anki cards that have an interval of 7 days or greater (they should be reviewed again after 7 days or more days) and that are not suspended. You can do that from the Browse by searching for: -is:suspended prop:ivl>=7 and start a Qbank session from this selection.
To check other options for searching cards in Anki, refer to the Anki manual.
Changing your study objective for an Anki Qbank sessions
You can change the study objective from within the desktop version of AMBOSS on the Account & Settings > Career & Study Profile page. Save the changes and restart Anki to get the updated Questions matching your profile.
Reviewing Anki cards from a Qbank session or missed questions
With the new Qbank-to-AnKing functionality, it is now possible to find relevant Anki cards from AMBOSS questions done during a Qbank session. Check out how that works on this page.