Clinical Drug Database

In order to support you in all of your day-to-day clinical needs, the AMBOSS platform includes the clinical drug information database by AHFS (American Hospital Formulary Service). With this feature, you can search for a specific drug and see AHFS information, in addition to information from the AMBOSS Editorial team. 

To access this feature, just enter a drug name into the search bar on the desktop version of the platform, or in our AMBOSS Knowledge App. 

You will then see search results from the AHFS Clinical Drug Information Database below AMBOSS content.  Screen_Shot_2021-11-16_at_6.04.27_PM.png

You can also access this information in the new Drugs tab, which has been added in the search results section.  Screen_Shot_2021-11-15_at_3.45.46_PM.png

Just select the drug name in that tab to see the integrated AHFS information. Screen_Shot_2021-11-15_at_3.47.02_PM.png

This information is included with your AMBOSS subscription free of charge. Additionally, all AHFS content for each drug is available through this feature. We don't edit any of this content, and it is always up to date with the latest changes by the source provider AHFS. 

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