How do I change question difficulty? I know it's best to study all the difficulties at some point, but I prefer to study moderate questions and difficult questions separately.
How do I change question difficulty? I know it's best to study all the difficulties at some point, but I prefer to study moderate questions and difficult questions separately.
Kommentare (2)
You can change the difficulty of questions by using Custom Sessions! Whenever you create a custom session, you can modify the difficulty with the Difficulty filter, which is located beneath the Articles filter. There, you can pick any difficulties you want, with 1 hammer being the easiest, and 5 hammers being the most difficult. Examples and an explanation can be found at our Difficulty support page, which is located here. Feel free to pick whatever works for you!
- Brandon
I've found great success in curtailing my study approach by being intentional in terms of what question difficulty I chose. In my opinion, it really depends on how much time you have and how many/which qbanks you are using. If you are short on time, maybe leave the 5 hammers for any extra time you may have right before your exam/shelf. If you just finished reviewing a complicated topic, maybe doing a focused question session with 4 and 5 hammers may allow you to really solidify the concept. When preparing for actual test day vibes, checking all 1 through 5 hammers may be optimal to give you an idea of what the real thing may look like (some easy questions, some really hard questions, but mostly intermediate difficulty questions)! Find what best works for you and most importantly, use Amboss's library function to reference information side-by-side your missed questions!
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