Using Amboss on the wards

During my first year, Amboss was my go-to source for high-yield articles on the topics I was studying for my classes. In my second year, I additionally used Amboss for the awesome question banks. Now in my third year, the feature of Amboss that is particularly handy is the Amboss Knowledge mobile app -- it allows me to quickly look up important info when a topic I'm unfamiliar with arises on the wards (which is most of them, at this point). The app lets me pull up the most important info I need, without needing to sift through endless information that a source like UpToDate entails. Definitely give it a try -- it will help you look a little less clueless on the wards, and you'll learn a lot in the process!

-Emma (an AMBOSSador)

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    Hey Emma, fellow AMBOSSador here about to start my third year. I am definitely looking forward to using Amboss on the wards, since it has been crucial for my success in medical school! I am glad to hear it is working out for you, it definitely appears to be a lot easier to sift through than something like UTD. It is reassuring to hear that it has been so helpful to you. Cheers, and good luck with the rest of your year!

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    What are some of the most common things that you have to look up 3rd year? I'm just about to start clinicals.


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    I completely agree, the Amboss library was extremely helpful throughout third year! I would pull up the relevant article before seeing each patient or scrubbing into a surgical case. It was especially great when writing notes and presenting patients, and knowing which pertinent positives or negatives to include. 

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