OMM Rotation and COMAT Study Tips

Anyone have tips to study for OMM Rotations and COMAT exams? I've really enjoyed the AMBOSS Osteopathic articles. Do they have any practice questions for this material? I thought there may be some under Step 1 supplemental questions, but couldn't find any.

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    In terms of OMM I loved Dirty Medicine on youtube. He goes over some qbank questions he created and it goes over all the high yield topics. Happy studying!

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    There is not much OMM that pops up on the COMATs unless you are specifically taking the OMM COMAT. I think out of all the COMATs I took there may have only be a question or two in total. As of right now there are not any OMM specific questions on the platform but there is a very helpful dedicated portion of the library for osteopathic medicine.

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    AMBOSS doesn't have OMM questions quite yet, but they are working on them! For OMM questions and COMAT style questions, I really liked COMBANK and/or COMQUEST. However, using the AMBOSS shelf study questions specific to the COMAT I was studying for prepared me very well, then I just supplemented with the aforementioned banks and Savarese. Also OnlineMedEd has a pretty good OMM section for videos and questions. Best of luck!

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    Along with everyone else's responses, I've heard that the online Savarese questions (OMT review) are quite difficult compared to the actual exam, so if you want to challenge yourself further, look into it!

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    I suggest using the Savarese book! I think it does a good job reviewing everything in a concise, easy to understand matter. I thought COMBANK had good OMM questions that helped during the exam. 

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    I completely agree with the above commenters, but I also would recommend watching the YouTube video "Viscerosomatics for COMLEX". It was extremely helpful for me to see all of the viscerosomatic levels on one diagram, and I even drew out the diagram myself before I took comlex and the OMM Comat! 

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