Peer Group Comparison

Our team is in the process of enhancing the Peer Group Comparison feature to ensure greater accuracy in the future. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause!

In the meantime, please feel free to explore our other Analysis features, such as the personalized Study Recommendations available in the Study Summary section. These recommendations, broken down by Article, System, and Discipline, are customized to address your specific study needs and show what to prioritize.

We also offer Session Analysis which provides a detailed look into each of your Qbank sessions. Simply click on the desired Qbank session to review and you will see the questions answered correctly and incorrectly, the level of difficulty of each question, the time spent answering each question, and the percentage of AMBOSS users who answered them correctly. 

Be sure to update your profile information in the Career & Study Profile section of the platform to receive the most personalized recommendations based on your study objectives and check out the AMBOSS Blog for more tips on how to use the Analysis features to boost your exam score.

If you have any questions or feedback about this, please feel free to contact the AMBOSS Support or leave us a message here.

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