Unfortunately, it is not possible to take our self-assessments outside of Self-Assessment Week events. That said, it is possible to replicate the exam experience by creating a series of Qbank sessions in Exam Mode.
You can create your own self-assessment by setting up four 40-question blocks for the exam of your choice in our Qbank, and then review your performance, study recommendations, and peer group comparison in the Analysis section.
Here's how to create your exam simulation:
- Click Qbank > Custom Session in the left sidebar menu
- Select your upcoming exam in the field (e.g.: USMLE Step 2 CK)
- Set the Question Count to 40 questions
- Click Start Exam mode to begin the simulation
To view your progress, head to Analysis & score prediction > Session analysis. Here you will find your peer group comparison for each session, personalized study recommendations, along with your percentile and analytics for each subject.
If you're interested in taking part in our future self-assessments, feel free to submit your interest on this page, and our team will ensure to keep you up-to-date.