Feedback on User interface and app capabilities

Greetings AMBOSS staff and community members, I am here to give my honest feedback on what has been going on for a few days.

First off- I use an Ipad 12.9 as my desktop replacement because of portability and ease of use. The amboss app (app store downloaded) is a skeleton of what we have via web (safari and on full desktop) in terms of screen resolution, menu sizing and menu accesibility. Menus look as if they were being displayed in an old school android tablet with an oversized display, with a forced  screen rescale with tiny text and tiny click buttons, also the videos and side content are a gamble on how they will behave. Some will open within amboss in a mini browser, others take you straight out of the app to  some other website. this is disruptive for note taking, specially on iOS or iPadOS with split screen

Second - dashboard management is tedious. I think a bit more intuitiveness wouldn't hurt, let me place my study plan widgets however I want, let me chose from a list what I want displayed. I feel there is a lot of menu hopping and backtracking.

Third - I can´t change my study plan. I tried it once just to see what happens, but after that one time I made a custom plan, resetting it has been impossible. I cant regauge my estimated study time, as a matter of fact, it wont even take me back to the time per day allocation menu anymore. Resetting my goal does nothing, I  tried changing my target and my exam date, after that I just click save nothing happens.I also seem to have lost the option to state I am an ''attending physician'', as the option was there yesterday (literally) and can't find it today in the career secion under ocupation (tried to change this in order to somehow ''force'' a reset on my study plan)

I love AMBOSS and i think its a great tool, sans this 3 points, I am not going away any time soon


Soll dieses Thema priorisiert werden?

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  • Offiziell
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    Hi Gonzalo- thanks so much for reaching out and providing this feedback! Our platform is constantly developing and improving thanks to students like you, and we really appreciate it :) 

    Firstly, I want to say that I have passed along all of your feedback regarding our apps, dashboard, and Custom Study Plans to our Product team. Therefore, the detailed suggestions you provided might be implemented in the future!

    In regard to your first point, we're sorry to hear that app interface is lacking on your iPad. These apps were created for mobile devices in mind, so this could be why the screen resolution, along with the menu sizing and accessibility, aren't working as well on your iPad. That said, our Product team will definitely look into increasing accessibility on other devices. In the meantime, I’d recommend using the desktop version of the platform to access AMBOSS on you iPad. This might make for a better user experience! 

    Additionally, your second suggestion regarding dashboard management is a great idea, and the ability to adjust your dashboard according to individual preference will be taken into account in future updates. 

    As to your third point, we definitely understand how the ability to modify and reset Custom Study Plans would be helpful, as we know plans and study schedules can change. Unfortunately, this feature isn’t available at the moment, however we have just released an update that allows for users to reset pre-made Study Plans. To do so, hover over the pre-made plan and select the three dots on the upper right corner. Then, you’ll see options to reset or archive that plan. Our Product team will look into implementing this feature into Custom Study Plans as well! 

    In the meantime, if a Custom Study Plan is no longer working for you, we’d recommend archiving that plan by hovering over it and selecting the option to archive it. Then, you can create a new Custom Plan with your updated preferences and schedule. If you’d like to go ahead with this, we’d also recommend changing the Status filter to “Not yet answered”. That way, you won’t be presented with questions you have already completed. 

    Lastly, we're sorry to hear you're having issues updating your profile. You should be able to do so in the desktop version of the platform by selecting Account > Career & Study Profile in the sidebar menu. Once on that page, select "Edit" under the first section, and you will be redirected to a new page with the title "Role." Select the option to "Change role," and make sure to select the button at the bottom to save changes. Your profile should be then updated, but please let us know if you're having issues with this, and our technical team will look into this further!

    Thanks again for this feedback, and please feel free to reach out to us at with any other ideas or questions!

    Maddie from the AMBOSS team

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