Favorite healthy foods!

What are your favorite foods to eat that promote health?! How do you incorporate it/them?

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    These days I'm trying to eat more okra so I've been slipping it into stir fries and pastas!

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    For me, it's definitely been tofu (I like it teriyaki or sweet chilli) and other plant based products such as oat milk, soy milk, plant based pastas and increasing my vegetable intake. 
    For snack options, air popped popcorn is so good as a study snack. 

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    I throw about 12 large chicken breasts (2 packages) in the oven every Sunday and cook it to 165 internal temperature. Then cut it into smaller pieces and put them into ziplock bags for the week. Saves time and increases the amount of protein I eat!

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    For me its definitely adding more protein to my diet and reducing the sugar intake

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