Integration of USMLE RX with Amboss

  • Hello , guys ...
  • as I found that Amboss had anew steps and integrations in qbanks and library 
  • I would suggest integration of USMLE RX material " first aid book points or referance  , flash cards , videos , the newly added RX Bricks " as an Amboss User , and as an ambassador of usmleRx at my university ..
  • this can elevate levels of amboss users for usmle steps in all its parts as " both Amboss and RX are a must for knowledge for USMLE "
  • I hope this happens ...
  • thank you for your continuious developments 
Soll dieses Thema priorisiert werden?

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    Hi Abdulrahman- thank you for sharing your feedback and suggestions regarding the integration of USMLE RX material with AMBOSS! We really appreciate your insights :) 

    We are continuously striving to improve our platform and provide our users with the most comprehensive resource throughout their medical career. Integrating USMLE RX material definitely aligns with this commitment to offering a wide range of high-quality study materials that cater to medical students. 

    Your feedback regarding this will therefore be shared with our development team for consideration in future updates!

    If you have any further suggestions or feedback, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. We are here to support you every step of the way.

    Best regards,
    Maddie from the AMBOSS team

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