Export table of contents ; “ main article pages” in amboss

I think the only disadvantage of amboss is due to the advantage itself ; so many articles 

  • its very hard to keep track of whats done whats not , yes the inbuilt learnt toggle & star toggle are there but we are humans and we forget so it hard to untick everything .
  • notes function is fine; but like any student wants all the notes together which is hard to review here.
  • Missing of articles in different folders ( from homepage going through basic sciences >  “ systems or discipline ”) i found that some articles are there in one & absent in another( systems & discipline ) …i know everything is there in the library …  but gives false sense & confusion of whats left to read .

I think everyone knows how cumbersome it is to create decks on anki . 

And hence …Creating flashcards on remnote is the lightning fast and very organized .

I sincerely request A list of just main articles in the library .( contents list )


  • Have an idea of the entire library ; whats where ?;  gives confidence as a book in hand .
  • Very easy To-do list ; can mark hard or to review topics when making mistakes in Qbank.
  • to use as references inside remnote. Or anki = Can make better flashcards 

Love the team for creating amboss. Thank you.


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    Hello Adithya,

    Thank you very much for providing this detailed feedback. It's students like you who constantly help AMBOSS improve its accessibility and content alike. To start, I'd like to let you know that we have passed all of this feedback along to our Product team, who will look into implementing these features :) 

    We definitely understand how a feature that allows for easier tracking of read articles and articles you'd like to review would helpful when studying. That said, we currently have no other way to indicate whether you have read/learned the article you went through without toggling it as "Learned." You can do this on both the mobile app and desktop version of the platform, however the "Learned" articles are only accessible on our Knowledge app. You can access these articles by going to Lists and then selected the checked icon (third from the left) on the top of the screen.  Additionally, our system does keep track of the last three articles you accessed on the dashboard available on the desktop version of AMBOSS.

    Like you mentioned, you can also "star" any articles you find very useful to return to later on your mobile device, all "starred" articles are also located within the "Lists" option inside of the app (they'll be under the star icon and categorized as favorites). Please note the "star" icon is only available on your mobile device. 

    Additionally, we don't currently have a function that allows you to compile all your notes taken within articles onto one document for review, however this is a feature we definitely understand would help students. That said, feel free to locate all notes taken on your mobile device after clicking "Lists > Your Notes."  You'll notice that even when you take notes on your desktop, the notes actually sync to your mobile device to allow you to review on the go (as long as you have a stable Wi-Fi connection!)

    In regard to your feedback regarding the "By system" and "By discipline" categorization within our Knowledge Library, there should be significant overlap between the two pathways. Additionally, our Library is setup this way because some schools have their curriculum setup by discipline, while other schools teach the content in a systematic approach. We'd recommend you choose the pathway that is aligned with your curriculum. That said, we apologize for any lack of overlap, and definitely agree that a table of contents would be very useful. In the meantime, we'd recommend checking out the USMLE Content Outline we have here. Additionally, please free to jump into any articles you feel are misplaced or should be accessed in multiple locations and provide that direct feedback via the "Feedback" button located on each article in the bottom right hand corner of each section. This feedback will be directly relayed to our Editorial team who will make the articles are properly sorted moving forward!

    Lastly, we have passed along your feedback regarding remnote accessibility to our Product team as well. Additionally, we realize that having pre-made decks on Anki would save students a lot of time. At this time, our Anki add-on is designed to work with any existing deck or cards that you create or have. However, here is a link to a pre-made deck for Step 1 that you can use with our Anki add-on. We hope this is useful :)

    We'd like to thank you again for your feedback, and welcome any other thoughts you might have. We hope you found these insights useful! 

    Maddie from the AMBOSS team

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